
Analytic Techniques for
Geometric and Functional Inequalities

ERC Advanced Grant: Analytic Techniques for Geometric and Functional Inequalities—Principal Investigator: Professor Nicola Fusco

Below the list of the visitors of the project.

March 31- April 3 Prof. Jean Van Schaftingen

March &mdash Dr. Thomas Schmidt

March 17-18 &mdash Prof. Aljosa Volcic

March 9-10 &mdash Prof. Jürgen Appel

March 1-7 &mdash Prof. Yoshihiro Tonegawa

February 25-27 &mdash Dr. Marcello Ponsiglione

February 13-25 &mdash Dr. Emanuele Spadaro

January 7-14 &mdash Dr. Massimiliano Morini

January 7-14 &mdash Prof. Giovanni Leoni