BAcK to Curriculum
:: Setting Exercises

Sven van den Berghe, Ralf Ratering, Vivian Li

Four exercises will be described, each requiring different abilities of the students. We hope that the students will attempt at least one. They may try them all.
- Client Plug-in Programming
     - requires a basic knowledge of Java programming
     - aim is to develop a plugin for the Unicore client and test it on the local Unicore sites
- Unicore server installation
     - requires some basic Unix knowledge - comfort with scripts, editting text files etc
     - aim is to set up a Unicore site, configure it, test the installation and run simple jobs
- Using Unicore
     - no requirements (apart from attending the morning's lectures)
     - one or more problems will be set that can be solved by creating jobs using the Unicore Client and executing them on one or more Unicore sites.
- Command line interface integration
     - requires basic XML knowlege and some programming skills
     - aim is to make use of client-side workflow & command line interface within a simple program