:: Dr Oscar Corcho


Dr Oscar Corcho is working as a Marie Curie fellow at the Information Management Group of the University of Manchester. Previously, he has worked at iSOCO as a research manager and at the Ontological Engineering Group of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). He graduated with honours in Computer Science from UPM in 2000. He obtained his MSc in Software Engineering from UPM in 2001, and his PhD in Artificial Intelligence in 2004. He has received the third Spanish award in Computer Science from the Spanish Government (2001) and the PhD thesis award from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (2005).

His research activities include the Semantic Grid, the Semantic Web and ontology engineering, including ontology languages and tools, and the ontology translation problem. He participates at the EU FP6 IST project OntoGrid (FP6-511513). He has participated in the HALO project (funded by Vulcan, Inc.), and in the following EU IST projects from FP5 and FP6: Esperonto (IST-2001-34373), DIP (FP6-507483), HOPS (IST-2002-507967), SWWS (IST-2001-37134), Knowledge Web (IST-2003-507482), and OntoWeb (IST-2000-25056). In some of these projects he has participated in the proposal writing and negotiation phases, as well as acted as technical coordinator.

He has published the books "Ontological Engineering" and "A layered declarative approach to ontology translation with knowledge preservation", over 30 journal and conference/workshop papers on ontology languages and tools in important forums for the ontology community (ISWC, EKAW, KAW, KCAP, AI Magazine, IEEE Intelligent Systems), and reviews papers in many conferences, workshops and journals. He has also been a research visitor at KMI (Open University) and SMI (Stanford University). He chaired the demo/industrial sessions at EKAW2002, co-organised the ISWC2003 and ISWC2004 Workshops on Evaluation of Ontology Tools (EON2003, EON2004) and is the sponsor chair of the ESWC2006 conference.
