Installation Guide


The following notational abbreviations are used within the instructions:

Preparing OGSA

Download the following ZIP archives from here:

Setting environment variables:

To set environment variables and paths prior to installing OGSA-DAI:
  1. Set the environment variable CATALINA_HOME:
      #> export CATALINA_HOME=<TOMCAT>

Installing OGSA-DAI

Deploying OGSA-DAI Under Tomcat

  1. Change to the OGSA-DAI directory:
      #> cd <OGSA-DAI>
  2. Make a build directory if there is not already one there:
      #> mkdir build
  3. Build the installation files by typing the command:
      #> ant deploy
    This will copy the necessary files to your Tomcat installation, and edit the files necessary to deploy the services.

Testing the OGSA-DAI installation

Now start up Tomcat:
  #> cd <TOMCAT>/bin
  #> ./
Via a Web Browser, visit the URL http://localhost:8080/ogsa/services. You should see a list of the services deployed on the Tomcat instance, including