:: Final Test at Grid School   [Answers to Questions]


C1) The condor_master daemon launches all other required Condor-G daemons,
and restarts them in case of trouble.
a) true b) false

C2) Which one of the following is not a Condor-G command-line utility?
a) condor_q
b) condor_history
c) condor_login
d) condor_submit
e) condor_off

C3) The condor_submit_dag command submits a job to which Condor job universe?
a) scheduler
b) globus
c) standard
d) vanilla
e) dependency

C4) Condor-G can currently do which of the following? Check all that apply.
a) Monitor your jobs and keep you posted on their progress.
b) Replicate your job's data and update a replica catalog service.
c) Implement your policies for the execution order of your jobs.
d) Add fault tolerance to your jobs.
e) Implement your policies on how your jobs respond to grid and execution failures.
f) Improve the execution speed of individual jobs by overlapping I/O and computation.

C5) When DAGMan notices that one of the jobs it submitted to Condor-G has failed, which of the following best describes what it does next?
a) Immediately stops.
b) Runs as much of the DAG as possible and then outputs a rescue DAG.
c) Immediately outputs a rescue DAG.
d) Runs as much of the DAG as possible and then stops.

C6) Condor-G GlideIn provides which TWO of the following?
a) A mechanism to submit jobs with complex interdependencies.
b) A mechanism to get transparent job migration capabilities.
c) A mechanism to browse available grid computation sites.
d) A mechanism to dynamically schedule your jobs across worksites.
e) A mechanism to stage data at remote worker sites on the grid.

EU DataGrid

E1) What are the main applications that DataGrid aims at?
a) business applications
b) data intensive scientific application
c) massively parallel computing problems
d) thermodynamics and modelling

E2) What is the main focus of EDG middleware development?
a) higher level services for workload, data, and information management
b) application level portals
c) basic grid middleware for authentication/file transfer program execution
d) providing a grid operating system

E3) What is not required in order to use the EDG testbed?
a) sign up with a VO
b) obtain a proxy certificate with 'grid-proxy-init'
c) obtain a local user account at the resource you want to run the job on
d) obtain a certificate from a recognized CA

E4) What is the main role of the Resource Broker?
a) find out where all replicas are located
b) interface to Storage Systems
c) monitor the status of a fabric
d) matchmaking of job requirements

E5) Your job requires access to a file "input.dat" which is available on some Grid storage (SEs). Which field of the JDL do you use to make the broker aware of this requirement?
a) StdInput
b) InputSandbox
c) InputData
d) Requirements

E6) In order to locate your files on the Grid you need to
a) register the file in R-GMA
b) register the file in the replica catalog
c) register the file in the local application database
d) register the file in the resource broker database

E7) The EDG Replica Manager (EDG Release 2.0) client is responsible for replicating files and active interaction with other services, i.e. the Replica Manager _calls_ the services. One in the list below is not called:
a) Replica Optimization Service
b) GridFTP server
c) Resource Broker
d) Replica Location Service

E8) Which one of the following components is _not_ part of R-GMA?
a) Registry
b) back-end to object-relational database
c) Producer
d) Archiver

E9) In order to filter information within R-GMA you need to
a) set up an archiver that publishes into a new producer
b) modify the R-GMA registry
c) stream data into RLS
d) this cannot be done with R-GMA

E10) LCFG has been chosen by EDG in order to fulfil the following tasks. One of them is not correct that you have to identify:
a) configuration of a farm or a single machine
b) act as a central software repository where each member of the DataGrid project can down-load the
software via HTTP
c) managing user accounts on a machine
d) local software repository for a LAN


U1) Which of the following Grid functions are supported by Unicore? Tick all that apply.
a) File transfer between remote sites.
b) Distributed database query processing.
c) Job submission.
d) Multi-site complex workflows.
e) Single sign on.
f) Global resource scheduling.
g) Basic resource brokering.
h) Remote file management (directory browsing, deletion, etc.)
i) MPI message passing between remote sites.

U2) The Unicore Gateway
a) Is part of the firewall.
b) Authenticates the user against a certificate authority.
c) Maps the user's certificate to a local account.
d) Deserializes the AJO.

U3) What is the UUDB?
a) Unicore utilization database
b) Unicore user database
c) Unicore usage distribution broker
d) Unicore user driven broker

U4) True or False: In the Unicore security model, the consigner and endorser are always the same when an AJO is consigned from a client.
a) true b) false

U5) In Unicore, what is the process called that seamlessly converts the abstract representation of a job into its concrete form for execution on a resource?
a) Concretization
b) Realization
c) Grounding
d) Incarnation

U6) What conditional tests are possible in either the 'loop' or 'if' constructs of the Pallas client? Tick all that apply.
a) File status (existence, readable, etc)
b) Termination status of a task
c) Time of day
d) Machine load
e) Application return code
f) Identity of the user

U7) Why must a client plug-in be signed by the developer?
a) To improve performance.
b) To make it harder to develop plug-ins.
c) To establish trust between user and the developer.
d) To make it more difficult to pirate the client.


G1) Which of the following is not a true statement about the Replica Location Service (RLS) in Globus GT3.0?
a)The soft state updates sent from Local Replica Catalogs (LRCs) to Replica Location Indexes (RLIs)
eventually time out and are removed from the indexes unless refreshed by subsequent updates.
b) The RLS included in the GT3.0 release is not an OGSA service.
c) The contents of the LRCs and RLIs are kept strictly consistent with one another using the immediate
mode for soft state updates.
d) Bloom filter compression of LRC updates reduces the network bandwidth and CPU overheads
associated with soft state updates.

G2) What type of failures can the GT3.0 Reliable File Transfer Service recover from that cannot be survived by the basic GridFTP transport protocol?
a) failure and recovery of client that submitted transfer request
b) destination host failure and recovery
c) temporary network partition between source and destination
d) removal of file on host machine during transfer operation

G3) Soft state update in MDS-II is used to:
a) increase system scalability
b) decrease latency in access to information
c) increase system robustness
d) simplify the management of MDS.

G4) Grids are distinguished from other distributed computing technology by
a) the number of different types of resources that they use
b) spanning different organizational domains
c) the response time needed for a requested operation
d) the use of Web services to implement them

G5) In GSI, a proxy is distinguished by:
a) the number of bits in its key
b) using a symmetric encryption algorithm
c) having a lifetime
d) being signed by the users private key

G6) To be an OGSI gridservice, one must define which of the following port types? [check all that apply]
a) Gridservice
b) Factory
c) NotificationSource
d) NotificationSink
e) HandleResolver

G7) Every OGSI gridservice is also a webservice.
a) true b) false