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Department of Mathematics and Applications “R.Caccioppoli”

Scientific activity program.

(The program  will have to evidence the curricula specificities and the eventual scientific synergies of the disciplinary areas proposed)

The scientific program of base previews the insertion of PhD students in an area of research of the PhD’s specific fields, using Teaching Board and tutors’ scientific competence, as well as the single PhD students’ characteristics and scientific inclinations, partially integrated by a period of progressive development that it induces in PhD student the independent propositive ability and that valid proposal of an original thesis in one of the program’s areas. It is thought not superfluous to emphasize this last aspect as particularly indicative of an absolutely not scholastic spirit of conception of the PhD in mathematics, whose function is fundamentally of training to the scientific research; that the PhD student will have to be in a position to leading independently and effectively by the end of the course. The organization and the development of the PhD course are fixed from the Teaching Board with ductility and possibility of opportune changes dictates from the experience. Fundamental role in the training is carried out from seminaries activity, of individual study. That is incremented by some course to assure the completion of the institutional preparation of the PhD students.