BAcK to Curriculum
:: Introduction to Unicore

Sven van den Berghe

- What is Unicore?
- History and background
     - original aims
     - projects developing Unicore
     - some Unicore applications
- Unicore design goals
     - what it sets out to achieve
     - how this is done
- Unicore architecture
     - overview
     - Client
     - Gateway
     - NJS
     - TSI and other server helpers
- The User's view
     - seamlessness
     - Job execution
          - Unicore execution process
     - Vsites and Usites
     - Uspaces
     - Other file storage spaces
          - spooling
     - The AJO
          - AbstractActions
               - everything is an AbstractAction
          - Different AbstractAction types
               - zip through different types
          - Some simple jobs
          - Resources
               - modelling
               - discovery
               - requesting
          - File transfer
     - The system view
          - installed components
          - interaction with site
- The UPL
     - why
     - what is it?
     - Security - authentication
- Unicore Security
     - review
     - authentication
     - authroisation
     - proxying
- highlighting concepts from the lecture

UNICORE Architecture and Server Components [pdf]