:: Prof Giovanni Aloisio


Prof Giovanni Aloisio

Giovanni Aloisio is Full Professor of Information Processing Systems at the Engineering Faculty of the University of Lecce. His research interests are in the area of High Performance Computing, Distributed and Grid Computing and are carried out at the Department of Innovation Engineering of the University of Lecce. He is also the Director of the CACT (Center for Advanced Computational Technologies) of the National Nanotechnology Laboratory (NNL/CNR-INFM). As director of the CACT, which is an international partner of the US National Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure (NPACI), he leads joint research projects on Grid both at a national and international level. He has been a co-founder of the European Grid Forum (Egrid) which then merged into the Global Grid Forum (GGF). He has founded SPACI (Southern Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructures), a consortium on ICT and grid computing among the University of Lecce, the University of Calabria and HP Italia. The Consortium is a follow-up of the SPACI project funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Technological Research, to pursue excellence in the field of Computational Science and Engineering. He is also the Vice-Director of the NanoSciences and Grid Computing Section of the "Scuola Superiore ISUFI" and CEO of the SPACI Consortium. He is Director of the Division "ICT and Operations" of the Euromediterranean Center for Climate Chances (CMCC). He is the author of more than 100 papers in refereed journals on parallel & grid computing.

Web Sites:

e-mail: giovanni.aloisio AT
phone: +39 0832 297221