Title: OMII Practicals
Subtitle: Overview
Tutor: Stephen Crouch, Steven Newhouse
Authors: OMII-UK

The OMII Practicals

These are based around the OMII Client distribution, which is already installed on each workstation at /usr/local/OMIICLIENT.  For the purposes  of the following practicals, you'll need the following information:

  • <omii_client_home>: /usr/local/OMIICLIENT

  • <server>:

  • <port>: 18080

The OMII Client presents a secure environment which can interact with an OMII server.  Within this, the distribution supplied command line and API support for a variety of grid activities.

The practicals:

The Introductory Practical - Introduction to using GridSAM's command line from an OMII Client to submit and monitor jobs on an OMII GridSAM server.

The Advanced Practical - Introduction to using the GridSAM Java API to submit and monitor jobs on an OMII GridSAM server.
