Contents of volume XLI (1992) issue 1

A. Avallone: Spaces of measurable functions II 3-19
A.F. Lopez: On the curves lying on a general surface containing a fixes space curve 21-40
P. Biondi: Piani {0,1,2}-semiaffini con rette invisibili 41-75
T. Traynor: A diagonal theorem in non-commutative groups and its consequences 77-87
L. Fattorusso - M. Marino: Differenziabilità locale per sistemi parabolici non lineari del secondo ordine con non linearità q2 89-112
P. Bandieri - C. Gagliardi - G. Volzone: Manici in superficie con bordo 113-122
L. Sacerdote - L.M. Ricciardi: On the transformation of diffusion equation and boundaries into the Kolmogorov equation for the Wiener process 123-135
S. Rinauro: Modularity and distibutivity in the lattice of virtually normal subgroups 137-145
A. Buonocore - F. Visentin. On the numerical evaluation of first-passage-time probability densities for one dimensional diffusion processes 147-161
G. Laccetti: The incidental parameters of a numerical method for inverting a Laplace Transform function 163-184

Contents of volume XLI (1992) issue 2

V. Esposito: A continuity theorem for a class of pseudodifferential operators 185-193
P. R. Masani - H. Niemi: The integration of Banach space valued measures and the Tonelli-Fubini theorems 195-282
S. Dragotti - R. Esposito - G. Magro - L. Parlato: Ostruzioni all'esistenza di (F,F')-risoluzioni 283-292
R. Orlandoni - O. Petrucci - M. Tosques: A convergence for the solutions of a class of nonlinear evolution equations 293-310
P. Maremonti - R. Russo: On asymptotic time decay of solutions to a parabolic equation in unbounded domains 311-326
L. Notarantonio: Asymptotic behaviour of Dirichlet problems on a Riemannian manifold 327-367
J. Buckley - J.C. Lennox - J. Wiegold: Generalization of Hamiltonian groups 369-376