Contents of volume XLV (1996) issue 1

S. Dragotti - R. Esposito - G. Magro - L. Parlato: Geometric representation of the homology functor 3-12
V. Shaptala: Groups with restriction on non-normal subgroups 13-20
M. Pasteka: The measure density on Dedekind domains 21-36
C. De Vivo - A. Russo: On groups satisfying an extremal condition on subgroups 37-48
E. Pascali: Some results on generalized minimizing movements 49-66
T. Shibata: Spectral asymptotics and bifurcation for two-parameter nonlinear elliptic eigenvalue problems 67-83
A. Canfora: Su una classe di equazioni ellittiche non VMO 85-129
P. De Vito - P.M. Lo Re: Spazi planari su v punti con v+2 piani 131-155
L. Basile - L. D'Apuzzo - M. Squillante: Relations between Gehring classes and Muckenhoupt classes via the Hardy operator 157-177
N. Durante - V. Napolitano: Weakly {0,2}-semiaffine planes 179-191
L. Lomonaco: A remark on the generalized Adem relations 193-195
A. Korenovskii: One refinement of the Gurov-Reshetnyak inequality 197-204
V. Barbu - N.H. Pavel: Optimal control of thermal conductivity of a rod under periodic conditions 205-217
G. Albano: Un algoritmo parallelo sul conduttore di un insieme di punti 219-228
J. Dontchev - M. Ganster: On covering spaces with semi-regular sets 229-245
M.C. Cirino Groccia: Groups with complemented ascendant subgroups 247-254

Contents of volume XLV (1996) issue 2

P.M. Lo Re - D. Olanda: Planar spaces with invisible planes 257-270
N. Chiarli: Subadjoint ideals to projective varieties 271-277
C. Greco: Remarks on asymptotically linear dynamical systems at resonance 279-290
B. McCann: On the derived length of certain factorised groups 291-301
R. Carrese: On regular J-differentiability 303-310
L. Esposito: A remark on C1,a regularity of minimizers 311-327
R. Kauffmann - J. Saint Jean Paulin: Comportement limite d'un problème thermique des ouverts ondulès 329-353
M. Transirico - M. Troisi - A. Vitolo: BMO spaces on domains of Rn 355-378
T. Zolezzi: Wellposedness of multiple integrals in the calculus of variations 379-392
S. Freni: Sulle fibrazioni negli spazi lineari finiti 393-402
M. Lazzo: A nonlinear Neumann problem with singular coefficients 403-421
M. Krbec - H.J. Schmeisser: Limiting imbeddings. The case of missing derivatives 423-447
E. Jabara: Gruppi di automorfismi globalmente privi di punti fissi 449-456
L. Roder Tcheugouè Tèbou: Internal stabilization and exact controllability in thin cellular structures 457-490
P. Oppezzi - A.M. Rossi: Esistenza di soluzioni per problemi unilateri con dato misura o in L1 491-513