Contents of volume LII (2003) issue 1

V.H. Mikaelian: Infinitely many not locally soluble SI*-groups 1-19
G. Coppola: On the symmetry of primes in almost all short intervals 21-29
M. Guidorzi - F. Siepe : Partial regularity for quasiconvex integrals of any order 31-54
F. Antoci: Some necessary and some sufficient conditions for the compactness of the embedding of weighted Sobolev spaces 55-71
R.E. Lillo - F. Pellerey - P. Semeraro - M. Shaked: On the preservation of the supermodular order under multivariate claim models 73-81
P. De Vito - E. Ferrara Dentice: On finite matroids satisfying an extremal condition 83-89
F. de Giovanni - G. Vincenzi: Pseudonormal subgroups of groups 91-101
R. Notari: A Monte Carlo method to compute the height of an ideal 103-113
M. Artola: Sur une classe de problemes paraboliques quasi-linéaires avec second membre höldérian 115-144
M. Guida: Conductor degree of points with maximal Hilbert function and socle degree 154-156
G. Bratti - M. Takagi: Characterization of the first order operators which generate maximal ideals in A2(C) 157-167
A.L. Gilotti - U. Tiberio: A generalization of a theorem of Shidov 169-176

Contents of volume LII (2003) issue 2

A.M. Miranda:On metrizability and complete uniformizability of function spaces 177-195
P.V. Danchev: Numerical invariants for modular group algebras of abelian groups 197-202
P. Preda - C. Preda: On nonuniform exponential dichotomy for evolutionary processes> 203-216
L. Poggiolini: Implicit PDES with a linear constraint 217-230
M. Geoffroy - A. Pietrus: A superquadratic method for solving generalized equations in the Hölder case 231-240
S. Dragotti - G. Magro - L. Parlato: Manifold classes and suspension theorem 241-250
S. Cuomo - A. Galletti: Conditioning and convergence of a quadrature process 251-274
P.M. Lo Re - V. Napolitano - D. Olanda: Sui teoremi di Bridges e De Witte 275-284
R. Russo: On the existence of solutions to the stationary Navier-Stokes equations 285-348