Contents of volume LIV (2005) issue 1

P. Danchev: Addendum to my paper "Quasi completeness in commutative modular group algebras", 1-4
E. Ballico: Lines in algebraic subsets of infinite-dimensional projective spaces and connectedness 5-10
G. Cardone, A. Corbo Esposito, L. Faella: Some remarks about level sets of Cesaro averages of binary digits 11-29
R. De Arcangelis, G. Gargiulo: A remark on the homogeneization formula for quasiconvex functionals with linear growth 31-37
V. Walter: Finiteness conditions and a Frattini-like subgroup in locally nilpotent groups 39-44
P.M. Lo Re, V. Napolitano, D. Olanda: Semiperspective sets in Galois planes of even order 45-48
T. Radice, A. Verde: On the Jacobians in Lorentz-Zygmund spaces 49-57
F. De Mari, F. De Giovanni: Double chain conditions for infinite groups 59-70
C. Metelli: Global height preserving morphisms of torsion-free abelian groups 71-91
F. Capone, M. Gentile: Penetrative convection induced by an exponentially temperature dependent viscosity under the action of an internal heat sink 93-102
F. Capone, M. Gentile: Influence of a linear concentration heat source and a quadratic density on the onset of penetrative convections 103-111
P. Santaniello: Groups in which every cyclic subgroup is virtually subnormal 113-126
M.R. Formica: The distance to Lip in the space C0,α of Hölder continuous functions 127-135
H. Haddadou: Iterated homogenization for the linearized elasticity by He0-convergence 137-163
F. Della Pietra: Schwarz symmetrization in nonlinear elliptic problems with lower-order terms 165-183
M. Brunetti, L.A. Lomonaco: An embedding for the E2-term of the Adams spectral sequence 185-200
T. Özen: On groups with some subgroups subnormal 201-204
E. Jabara: A note on finite products of nilpotent groups 205-209
J. Appell, E. D’Aniello, M. Väth: Errata and addendum to "Some remarks on small sets" 211-213
L. D’Onofrio: Relations between elliptic equations in the divergence and non-divergence form 215-227
L. Biacino: Hausdorff dimension of the diagram of α-Hölder continuous functions 229-243
G. Di Maio, E. Meccariello, S. Naimpally: Hyper-continuous convergence in function spaces: Part II 245-254
F. Giannetti: Weak minima of integral functionals in Carnot-Carathèodory spaces 225-270
L. Barletti, A. Belleni-Morante, R. Monaco, F. Salvarani: A kinetic approach to dust coagulation 271-291
R. Giova: A weighted Wirtinger inequality 293-302
F. Leonetti, F. Siepe: Bounds for vector valued minimizers of some integral functionals 303-312
G. Della Rocca, M. Sammartino, L. Seta: A mathematical model for the therapy of the HIV infection 313-327