Prof.  Salvatore Rionero


*  Professor of Rational MechanicsUniversità di Napoli Federico II

*  Date of Birth: 1st January, 1933

*  Place of Birth: Nola (Naples), Italy

*  Address: Department of Mathematics – Università di Napoli Federico II – Complesso Monte S. Angelo – Via Cintia – 80126 Napoli – Italy

*  Highest Degree: Doctor in Mathematics and Physics, University of Naples, 1955

*  Marital Status: Married to Giuseppina Del Giudice, Medical Doctor (Gynaecologyst) – Two Sons, Rocco and Marco.



* Employment

* Research Students

* Current Ph. D. Students

* Lectures in Italy

* Visiting Positions and Lectures

* Societies and Membership of National/International Committees

* Editorial Work

* Publications

     * Books







January 1956 - September 1956; University of Naples, Grant Holder.

October 1956 - October 1964; University of Naples, Assistant Professor.

November 1964 - October 1968; University of Naples, Associate Professor.

November 1968 - October 1971; University of Bari, Professor of Rational Mechanics.

November 1971 - Present; University of Naples, Professor of Rational Mechanics.





Research Students


Who have completed their  Doctorate

and current place of employment.


M. Maiellaro, Professor, Bari.

G.P. Galdi, Professor, Pittsburgh (U.S.A.)

R. Russo, Professor, Napoli II.

M. Padula, Professor, Ferrara.

G. Mulone, Professor, Catania.

F. Salemi,  Associate Professor, Catania.

C. Bortone, Associate Professor, Lecce.

G. Guerriero, Associate Professor, Napoli.

L. Palese, Assistant Professor, Bari.

M. de Angelis, Assistant Professor, Napoli.

F. Capone, Associate Professor, Napoli.

M. Gentile, Associate Professor, Napoli.

I.Torcicollo, Grant Holder in research





Current Ph.D. Students


Maria Vitiello,  Working on nonlinear diffusion problems.

Francesco Perrini, Working on nonlinear diffusion problems.





Lectures in Italy


In the last 30 years he has given several times lectures in the Universities of: Torino, Genova, Milano, Trieste, Padova, Trento, Bologna, Pavia, Firenze, Roma, Napoli, Lecce, Bari, Cosenza Catania, Messina, Palermo.





Visiting Positions and Lectures


Professor Rionero has been a Visiting Professor / Senior Research Fellow several times in the University of Galway (Ireland), Glasgow (Scotland), Heriot-Watt (Scotland), Lyngby (Denmark), Kaiserlautern (Germany) and Minnesota (U.S.A.). In addition he has given numerous invited lectures in Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Norway, Scotland, Spain, The United States ,The West Indies and China.




Societies and Membership of  National/International Committees


Member of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Italy.

Member of the Academy of “Scienze, Lettere e Arti” Naples.

Member of the “Accademia di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti”. Palermo (Italy).

Member of the “Accademia Pontaniana”. Napoli (Italy).

Member of the “Accademia di  Scienze”. Torino (Italy).

Senior member of the Mathematical Physics Committee of the Italian Research Council up to 2000.

Founder and President of the Organizing Committee of the Bi-annual International Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media.

Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference on Hydrodynamic Stability, Nice, September 1989.

Director of the International Summer School in Mathematical Physics at Ravello, since 1976.

Member of the Society for Natural Philosophy.

Member of the International Society for the interaction of Mechanics and Mathematics.

Coordinator of the Ph.D. School in Mathematics of the Consortium of University of Naples, Salerno , Caserta and Basilicata.

Member of the Unione Matematica Italiana.

Member of the Italian Association of Theoretical & Applied Mechanics.

President of the Scientific Commitee of the University “Federico II” of Naples up to 2000.

Vice-President of  INDAM (Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica).




Editorial Work


Member of the Scientific Committee of Ricerche di Matematica.

Member of the Scientific Committee of Atti Accademia di Scienze Napoli.

Member of the Scientific Committee of  Rendiconti di Matematica dell’ Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.






1. Sul principio dell’effetto giroscopico, Ricerche Matem. 7, 1958.

2. Sul principio dell’effetto giroscopico nel caso sferico, Ricerche Matem. 7, 1958.

3. Un ulteriore caso di non validità del principio dell’effetto giroscopico, Rend Accad. Sci. Fis. Mat. Napoli, 1958.

4. Sul principio dell’effetto giroscopico nel caso di forze dipendenti dall’atto di moto, Ricerche Matem. 8, 1959.

5. Sull’equilibrio relativo di masse fluide uniformemente rotanti ed altamente conduttrici in campi magnetici non stazionari indipendenti dalla coordinata assiale, Ricerche Matem. 11, 1962, 139-156.

6. Sull’equilibrio relativo di masse fluide  uniformemente rotanti ed altamente conduttrici in campi magnetici non stazionari indipendenti dalla coordinata assiale, Rend. Accad. Sci. Fis. Mat. Napoli, 1962.

7. Sui campi magnetici possibili in un fluido conduttore uniformemente rotante, Boll. Unione Matem. Ital. 18, 1963, 230-237.

8. Su un tipo di oscillazioni magnetoidrodinamiche finite possibili in una massa fluida ellissoidale ruotante ed altamente conduttrice, Atti Accad. Sci. Torino 98, 1963, 1-17.

9. Sulla stabilità asintotica in media in magnetoidrodinamica, Ann. Matem. Pura Appl. 76,  1967, 75-92.

10. Sulla stabilità asintotica in media in magnetoidrodinamica non isoterma, Ricerca Matem. 16, 1967, 250-263.

11. Sui moti periodici in magnetoidrodinamica, Rend. Accad. Sci. Fis. Mat. Napoli 35, 1968, 3-17.

12. Metodi variazionali per la stabilità asintotica in media in magnetoidrodinamica, Ann. Matem. Pura Appl. 78, 1968, 339-364.

13. Metodi variazionali per la stabilità asintotica in media  in magnetoidrodinamica non isoterma, Rend. Accad. Sci. Fis. Mat. Napoli 35, 1968, 18-40.

14. Sulla stabilità magnetoidrodinamica in media con vari tipi di condizioni al contorno, Ricerche di Matem. 17, 1968, 64-78.

15. Su un problema di aerotermochimica, Liguori, Napoli, 1968.

16. Sulla stabilità non lineare asintotica in media in magnetofluidodinamica, Ricerche Matem. 19, 1970, 269-285.

17. Sulla stabilità asintotica in media nella dinamica dei miscugli fluidi, Boll. Unione Matem. Ital. 4, 1971, 364-373.

18. Sulla stabilità magnetofluidodinamica non lineare asintotica in media in presenza di effetto Hall, Ricerche Matem. 20, 1971, 285-296.

19. Sulla stabilità in media in magnetoidrodinamica, Conf. Sem. Matem. Univ. Bari 133, 1973, 3-21.

20. The stability of continuous systems (with M. Como, L. Salvadori and P. Villaggio), Meccanica 10, 1975, 312-319.

21. A uniqueness theorem for hydrodynamic flows in unbounded domains (with G.P. Galdi), Ann. Matem. Pura Appl. 108, 1976, 361-366.

22. On the uniqueness of viscous fluid motions (with G.P. Galdi), Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 62, 1976, 295-301.

23. A note on the existence and the uniqueness of solutions of the micropolar fluid equations  (with G.P. Galdi), Int. J. Eng. Sci. 15, 1977, 105-108.

24. On magnetoidrodynamic motions in unbounded domains: stability and uniqueness (with G.P. Galdi), Ann. Matem. Pura Appl. 115, 1977, 119-154.

25. Sull’unicità e stabilità universale in media della dinamica dei fluidi (with M. Maiellaro), Rend. Circolo Matem. Palermo 27, 1978, 305-326.

26. The weight function approach to uniqueness of viscous flows in unbounded domains (with G.P. Galdi), Arch. rational Mech. Anal. 69, 1979, 37-52.

27. Continuous dependence theorems for the Navier-Stokes equations in unbounded domains by the weight function method (with G.P. Galdi) Q. Jl. Mech. Appl. Math. 32, 1979, 149-161.

28. On the linearization principle for the Navier-Stokes equations in exterior domains, Proc. Symp. on Nonlinear Continuum Mechanics, Venice, May 1978.

29. Continuous dependence theorems in linear elasticity on exterior domains (G.P. Galdi) Int. J. Engng. Sci. 17, 1979, 521-526.

30. Questioni di stabilità nonlineare in magnetoidrodinamica, in Problemi di Meccanica Statistica e Fisica del Plasma, Trieste 1979.

31. Continuous  dependence theorems in the theory of micropolar fluids on exterior domains, in Proc. Recent Developments in the Theory and Applications of Generalized and Oriented Media, Calgari Univ. Press, 1979.

32. A priori estimates, continuous dependence and stability for solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations on exterior domains (with G.P. Galdi),  Riv. Matem. Univ. Parma 5, 1979, 533-556.

33. On the well posedness of the equilibrium problem for linear elasticity in unbounded regions (with G.P. Galdi), J. Elasticity 10, 1980, 333-340.

34. Sulla dipendenza continua e stabilità delle  soluzioni dell’equazione di Korteweg de Vries, in Sem. Fisico Matem. Trieste 1980.

35. Global solutions of a system of linear parabolic equations and related problems of mathematical physics (with G.P. Galdi), Ricerche Matem. 30, 1981, 85-122.

36. On the best conditions on the gradient of pressure for uniqueness of viscous flows in the whole space (with G.P. Galdi), Pacific J. Math. 104, 1983, 77-83.

37. Continuous dependence and stability for nonlinear dispersive and dissipative waves, rend. Sem. Matem. Univ. Padova 68, 1982, 269-277.

38. Local estimates and stability of viscous flows in an exterior domain (with G.P. Galdi) Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 81, 1983, 333-347.

39. Continuous data dependence in linear elastodynamic on unbounded regions without definiteness  conditions on the elasticities (with G.P. Galdi), Proc. Roy. Soc. Edimburg A93, 1983, 299-306.

40. On the stability of a termodiffusive mixture in a mixed problem  (with G.P. Galdi), in Proc. VII Congresso AIMETA, Trieste 1984.

41. Asymptotic behaviour in the nonlinear elastic beam (with G.P. Galdi and R.J. Knops), Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 1985.

42. On some weighted Poincaré inequalities (with F. Salemi), Boll. Unione Matem. Ital. 1985.

43. Global solution to a nonlinear integral evolution problem in particle transport theory, Atti Accad. Sc. Torino 120, 1986, 199-209.

44. Uniqueness and continuous dependence in the linear elastodynamic exterior and half-space problems (with G.P. Galdi and R.J. Knops), Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 99, 1986, 357-366.

45. The Lagrange identity method in linear thermoelasticity (with S. Chirita), Int. J. Engng. Sci. 25, 1987, 935-947.

46. On the stability of the solutions to an integral evolution equation of nonlinear particle transport theory (with G. Guerriero), Meccanica, 22, 1987, 59-64.

47. On the nonlinear stability of a thermo-diffusive fluid mixture in a mixed problem (with  G. Mulone), J. math. Anal. Appl. 124, 1987, 165-188.

48. A nonlinear stability analysis of the magnetic Bénard problem through the Lyapunov direct method (with G. Mulone) Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 103, 1988, 347-368.

49. On the choice of the Liapunov function in the stability of fluid motions, in Energy Stability and Convection, Proc. Workshop, Capri, May 1986. Research Notes Math., Longman, 1988.

50. On the nonlinear stability of the rotating Bénard problem via the Lyapunov direct method (with G. Mulone), J. Math. Anal. Appl. 144, 1989, 109-127.

51. Convection in a porous medium with internal heat source and variable gravity effects (with B. Straughan), Int. J. Engng. Sci. 28, 1990,497-503.

52. Nonlinear stability of a shear flows in a viscoelastic fluid (with L. Preziosi), Int. J. Engng. Sci. 1990.

53. Continuous dependence and nonlinear stability for internally heated convection (with B. Straughan), in Proc. V Conf. Waves & Stab. Cont. Media, Sorrento 1989, World Sci. Press, 1991.

54. New results on nonlinear convection (with B. Straughan), in Proc. Industrial Appl. Math. Conf. Venice 1989, Kluwer, 1991.

55. On the nonlinear stability of parallel shear flows (with G. Mulone), Cont. Mech. Thermodyn. 3, 1991, 1-11.

56. Mathematical  problems for miscible, incompressible fluids with Korteweg stresses (with G.P. Galdi, L. Preziosi, D.D. Joseph), Eur. J. Mech., B/Fluids, 10 (3), 1991.

57. Stability and related results in linear elastodynamics on unbounded regions, (with R.J. Knops & R. Russo), Arch. Rational Mech. Anal., vol. 115 (1992), 179-200.

58. On the stability of the solutions to a nonlinear integral evolution problem arisingin particle transport theory (with G. Guerriero, Un. Napoli), Meccanica 24, 1989.

59. Convection in a porous medium with internal heat source and variable gravity effects (with B. Straughan, Un. Glasgow), Int. J. Engng. Sci., 1990.

60. On the nonlinear stability of the Magnetic Bénard problem (with G. Mulone, Un. Catania), ZAMM, 3, 1992.

61. Saint Venant’s principle on unbounded regions, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edimburgh, 115A, 1990 (with R.J. Knops, Edimburgh; L.E. Payne, U.S.A.).

62. On the stability of Lotka-Volterra perturbed equations (with P. Fergola, C. Tenneriello), Atti Acc. Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Suppl. 1, 1991.

63. Attractivity conditions for a perturbed Lotka-Volterra mode (with F. Capone), Le Matematiche, Vol. XLVI, fasc. I, 1991.

64. The Uniqueness problem for a model of an incompressible fluid mixture (with M. Gentile), Le Matematiche, vol. XLVI, fasc. I, 1991.

65. On the nonlinear stability of parallel shear flows (with G. Mulone), Continuum Mech. Thermodyn. 3, 1991.

66. Stability of a Solitary Wave Solution to a Set of Coupled Boussinesq-Like Equations [with V. Muto, P.L. Christiansen, P.S. Lomdahl (Danimarca)], 1991, vol. 4, series on Advances in Math. For Applied Sciences.

67. Solitary Wave solutions to a System  of Boussinesq-Like equations (with P.L. Christiansen, V. Muto); Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, vol. I, n. 1, 1991.

68. Lagrange identity in linear Viscoelasticity (with S. Chirita, Un. Iasi, Romania), Int. J. Eng. Sci., 29, 1991.

69. On the asymptotic behaviour of quasi-static solutions in a semi-infinite viscoelastic cylynder (with S. Chirita), Atti Acc. Sc. Napoli, 1992.
70. Decay and other estimates for an elastic cylinder (with J.N. Flavin), Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math., 1992.

71. Continuous dependence on modelling for an improperly posed problem for the equations of magnetohydrodynamics (with G. Mulone, B. Straugan), Ricerche di Matematica, vol. XLI, suppl., 1992.

72. A qualitative analysisof an additive chemostat model of microorganism competing for two complementary nutrients (with P. Fergola, C. Tenneriello), Ricerche di matematica, vol. XLI, suppl., 1992.

73. Convection with temperature dependent viscosity and thermal conductivity: linear (generalized) energy stability theory (with G. Mulone, B. Straughan), rend. Acc. Sc. Fis. Mat. Serie IV, vol. LXI, 1994.

74. A qualitative analysisof an additive chemostat model of microorganism competing for two complementary nutrients with delayed recycling (with P. Fergola, C. Tenneriello) 7th Conference on waves and stability in continuous media, Series on advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences, vol. 23, Editors S. Rionero and T. Ruggeri. World Scientific, 1993.

75. On the Graffi’s contributions to uniqueness of fluid motions in unbounded domaind, ) 7th Conference on waves and stability in continuous media, Series on advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences, vol. 23, Editors S. Rionero and T. Ruggeri. World Scientific, 1993.

76. Energy fluid motions stability for free-boundary like problems in the exterior of convex starshaped domains, Conference on energy stability (Oviedo, marzo 1994) .

77. Possibili linee di ricerca fisico-matematica nell’Istituto per le applicazioni della Matematica, La Matematica per una nuova industria, Etaslibri, 1994.

78. On the linearized theory of thermoviscoelasticity of integral type (with S. Chirita) Bull. TecN. univ. Istanbul vol. 47, 57-81, 1994.

79. On the stability of the rotating Bénard Problem (with G. Mulone Bull. Tecn., Univ. Istanbul, vol. 47, 181-202, 1994.

80. Stability results for hyperbolic and parabolic equations, International workshop, Transport Theory (1995).

81. Su di una equazione reazione-diffusione con parametri di diffusività non costanti (con F. Capone e I. Torcicollo) Atti Congresso AIMETA, Napoli, ottobre 1995.

82. Unconditional nonlinear stability in a polarized dielectric liquid (with G. Mulone and B. Straughan), Atti Congresso AIMETA, Napoli, ottobre 1995.

83. On the stability of Couette-Poiseuille flows in the anisotropic MHD via the Liapunov direct method (with M. Maiellaro), Atti Acc. Sci. Napoli, vol. LXII, 1995.

84. Some recent results on the onset of convection (with G. Mulone), Proceedings VIII International Conference On Waves and Stability in Continuous media on Suppl. Rend. Circolo matematico di Palermo serie II n. 45 pagg. 465-476 (1996).

85. On the stability of Couette-Poiseuille Flows in the Anisotropic MHD, Proceedings VIII International Conference On Waves and Stability in Continuous media on Suppl. Rend. Circolo matematico di Palermo serie II n. 45 pagg. 699-710 (1996).

86. On the stability of solutions of the remarkable equation ut = D F(x,u) - g(x,u) (with F. Capone and I. Torcicollo), Proceedings VIII International Conference On Waves and Stability in Continuous media on Suppl. Rend. Circolo matematico di Palermo serie II n. 45 pagg. 83-90 (1996).

87. Unconditional nonlinear  stability in a polarized dielectric liquid (with G. Mulone and B. Straughan), Atti Acc. Naz. Lincei, 1996.

88. Alcuni aspetti della Scuola Matematica Napoletana: fantasia matematica e proiezione internazionale. Prolusione tenuta il 5.2.96 all’apertura dell’anno accademico 95-96 - Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II” , Notiziario, Anno II, Numero 7, Nuova serie pp. 23-38.

89. On the non linear diffusion of a pollutant (Sulla diffusione non lineare di un inquinante). Atti del VII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Ecologia, Napoli 11-14 settembre 1996, - Atti 17, p. 962.

90. On the temperature distribution in cold ice (with J.N. Flavin) Rend. Acc. Lincei. Math. e Appl. 1997 vol. VIII, Fasc. IV, 299-312.

91. On the stability of fluid motions Rend. Sem. Mat. Fis. Milano vol. LXVI (1996) pp. 9-31.

92. The rotating Bénard problem: new stability results for any Prandtl and Taylor numbers (with G. Mulone) (Continuum Mech. Thermodyn. (1997) 9: 347-363.

93. An innovation model with aftereffect (in Russo), Atti Acc. Science di Mosca (with W. Kolmanowski) (1998).

94. On an ill-posed problem in nonlinear heat conduction, (with I. Torcicollo), Transport Theory and Statistical Physics, vol. 29, Nos. 1-2 (1999).

95. Unconditional nonlinear exponential stability in the Bénard problem for a mixture: necessary and sufficient conditions (with G. Mulone) Rend. Mat. Acc. Lincei, s. 9, v. 9: 221-236 (1998).

96. Nonlinear stability for a thermofluid in a vertical porous slab (with J.N. Flavin) Continuum Mech. Thermodyn. (1999) 11:173-179.

97. Asymptotic and other properties for a nonlinear diffusion model (with J.N. Flavin) J. Math. Anal. Appl. 228 (1998) 119-140.

98. The Bénard problem for nonlinear heat conduction: unconditional stability. (with J. N. Flavin) Quarterly J. Mech. and Appl. Math. (1999) 52(3) 441-452.

99. Critical Perturbations and Nonlinear  Stability in Fluid Mechanics,  Proceedings “WASCOM99”, 10th Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media, World Scientific, Ciancio V., Donato A., Oliveri F., Rionero S. edts., pp.405-420 (2001)

100. Global Existence of Smooth Solutions of the Euler-Poisson Equations for Semiconductors (with Ali’, G., Bini, D.) ,  Proceedings “WASCOM99”, 10th Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media, World Scientific, Ciancio V., Donato A., Oliveri F., Rionero S. edts., pp.1-8 (2001).

101. Some Nonlinear Stability Results for Bioconvection of Upswimming Cells (with B. Buonomo) ,  Proceedings “WASCOM99”, 10th Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media, World Scientific, Ciancio V., Donato A., Oliveri F., Rionero S. edts., pp.66-76 (2001)

102. Temperature Dependent Viscosity and Its Influence on the Onset of Convection in a Porous Medium (with Capone F.),  Proceedings “WASCOM99”, 10th Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media, World Scientific, Ciancio V., Donato A., Oliveri F., Rionero S. edts., pp.77-85 (2001)

103. Some Liapunov Functionals for Nonlinear Diffusion and Nonlinear Stability (with Flavin, J.N.) ,  Proceedings “WASCOM99”, 10th Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media, World Scientific, Ciancio V., Donato A., Oliveri F., Rionero S. edts., pp.178-187 (2001)

104. A Note on the existence and uniqueness of solutions to a free piston problem (with B. D’Acunto). Rend. Acc. Sc. Fis. Mat. Napoli, vol.LXVI, (1999) pp. 75-84

105. A Note on weighted L2 - norms. Rend. Acc. Sc. Fis. Mat. Napoli, vol.LXVI, (1999) pp. 173-180

106. Temperature dependent viscosity and its influence on the onset of convection in a porous medium (with F. Capone). Rend. Acc. Sc. Fis. Mat. Napoli, vol.LXVI, (1999) pp. 159-172

107. A Note on the global non linear stability for penetrative convection in porous media for fluids with cubic density (with M. Gentile) Rend. Acc. Sc. Fis. Mat. Napoli, vol.LXVII (2000)  pp. 129-142

108. Asympotic and other properties of some non linear diffusion models, Continuum Mechanics and Applications in Geophysics and the Environment, Eds. B. Straughan, R. Greve, H. Ehrentraut, Y. Wang, Springer, pp. 56-78 (2001)

109. Thermal convection with horizontally periodic temperature gradient (with F. Capone)  Rend. Acc. Sc. Fis. Mat. Napoli, vol.LXVII (2000)  pp. 111-118

110. On the pointwise continuous dependence of an approximate solution of a nonlinear heat conduction ill–posed problem (with I. Torcicollo) Rend. Acc. Sc. Fis. Mat. Napoli, vol.LXVII (2000)  pp. 169-180

111. A  new approach o the nonlinear stability of a porous medium saturated by a fluid with temperature depending viscosity,  Symposium on Trends in Applications of Matemathics to Mechanics (STAMM) 2000, Eds: P.E. O’Donoghue & J.N. Flavin ISBN: 2-84299-245-8 , pp. 10-16

112. On a Nonlinear Heat Conduction Problem (with Torcicollo I.) ,  Symposium on Trends in Applications of Matemathics to Mechanics (STAMM) 2000, Eds: P.E. O’Donoghue & J.N. Flavin ISBN: 2-84299-245-8 , pp. 178-184







1. Lezioni di Meccanica Razionale, Liguori Ed., Napoli, 1973.

2. Lezioni di Meccanica Razionale, Liguori Ed., Napoli, 1976.

3. Recent methods in nonlinear analysis and applications (with A. Canfora, C. Sbordone, G.    Trombetti), Liguori Ed., Napoli 1981.

4. Lezioni di Meccanica Razionale , Liguori Ed. Napoli, 1983.

5. Lezioni di Meccanica Razionale , Liguori Ed. Napoli, 1988.

6. Lezioni di Meccanica Razionale , Liguori Ed. Napoli, 1992.

7. Esercizi e complementi di Meccanica Razionale (with. G. P. Galdi & M. Maiellaro), Vol. 1, Liguori Ed., Napoli, 1978.

8. Esercizi e complementi di Meccanica Razionale (with. G. P. Galdi & M. Maiellaro), Vol. 2, Liguori Ed., Napoli, 1984.

9. Weighted Energy Methods in Fluid Dynamics and Elasticity (with. G.P. Galdi) Lecture Notes in Math. vol. 1134, Springer Verlag 1985.

10. Qualitative Estimates for Partial Differential Equations. An introductions (with J. N. Flavin) CRC Press Inc., Boca Raton, Florida, 1996.