:: Scope
The School will provide an in-depth introduction to Grid technologies
that underpin e-Infrastructure and Cyberinfrastructure. It will present
a conceptual framework to enhance each student's ability to work in this
rapidly advancing field. Reports from world leaders in deploying and exploiting
Grids will complement lectures from research leaders shaping future e-Infrastructure.
Hands-on laboratory exercises will give participants experience with widely used
Grid middleware. Graduates of the School will be familiar with the fundamental
components of Grid environments, such as authentication, authorization, resource
discovery, and resource access; be able to use Grid environments for basic and
advanced job submission, and distributed data management; be conversant with Grid
achievements worldwide; be alert to emerging Grid applications; appreciate the
potential of e-Infrastructure and be aware of new research opportunities.
:: Target Audience
We invite applications from enthusiastic and ambitious researchers who
have recently started (or are about to start) working on Grid projects.
Students may come from any country. They may be planning to pioneer or enable
new forms of e-Infrastructure, to engage in fundamental distributed systems
research or to develop new methods in any discipline that depends on the
emerging capabilities of e-Infrastructure.
We expect participants from computer science, computational science and
any application discipline.
The School will assume that students have diverse backgrounds and build on that diversity.
Application submission closed.
Number of Selected Students: 64 from 108 applicants.
Grid Computing is an important new approach to distributed computing.
Its combination of regular structures and dynamic algorithms will deliver
large and sustained data intensive, knowledge intensive and computational
resources across heterogeneous contributing sites. It is enabling rapid advances
in many disciplines. The School offers a rare opportunity to hear about
the latest achievements from Europe, North America and Asia, and to experience
a variety of Grid systems.
The School will include lectures on the principles, technologies, experience
and exploitation of Grids. Lectures will also review the research horizon and
report recent significant successes. Lectures will be given in the mornings.
In the afternoons the practical exercises will take place on the equipment
installed at the School site in Ischia, Italy (near
Naples). A social programme will help the students to form lasting friendships.
Pictures from previous Summer Schools
here and here
"The most intensive and integrated tutorial summer school I have
attended. Keep it going!" "Thanks for the great effort you have put
into the school." Previous Summer School Student
The curriculum for the school is being designed
by an international Programme Committee
of experts:
To support the hands-on laboratory sessions, a testbed will be established
that will host widely used middleware produced by projects in the USA, Europe
and Asia providing an emulated experience of major international Grids.
Exercises and team work will encourage students to learn by using this testbed.
:: Admissions
In all previous years the School has been oversubscribed. Selection for the School
is therefore competitive based on the information supplied on the application form
and by a referee's supporting letter. We expect to accept between 60 and 70 students.
We will be looking for students with commitment and enthusiasm for Grid research
and development. We will expect competence and experience in some aspects of software
development, distributed systems, computational systems, data systems and Grid
applications. Most students will establish their credentials from academic qualifications,
but some will base this on experience. We also welcome as participants educators who
are planning to teach Grid computing. The Summer School will be conducted in English, so
fluency in English is important.
The applications should be supported
by a reference letter from an academic supervisor, project leader or similarly senior person.
Please see the Target Audience
section in the lower-left corner of this web page.
:: Staff
Ckick here to see the entire staff list.
:: Accommodation
Participants will be accommodated in the Jolly
Hotel Delle Terme, 100 metres from the beach, with spa and swimming