Analysis, Control and Inverse Problems for PDEs

26th-30th November 2018, Napoli (Italy)

Workshop of the French-German-Italian LIA (Laboratoire International Associé) COPDESC on Applied Analysis


The international workshop "Analysis, Control and Inverse Problems for PDEs'', that will take place from 26th to 30th November 2018 at the University of Naples Federico II, Italy, aims for bringing together researchers working on a wide range of subjects in applied Mathematics, including Control and Stabilization of Partial Differential Equations (PDE), Optimal Control, Shape Optimization, Inverse Problems for PDEs, Numerical Analysis of Control Problems, in order to foster the opportunity to share recent results, techniques, ideas and projects related to the different areas represented among the participants.

The conference is framed in the context of the French-German-Italian Laboratoire International Associe (LIA), named COPDESC, on Applied Analysis,, and the four thematic areas of the LIA COPDESC will be represented. However, researchers, academics, doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows from other countries with interest in these fields and related subjects are welcome to attend and register to the conference.

The invited speakers are divided in:
  • Plenary speakers (the plenary lectures are 40 minutes long)
  • Senior invited speakers in two parallel sessions (the talks are 25 minutes long)
  • Junior invited speakers in two parallel sessions (the junior talks are 15 minutes long) .

The registration is free but mandatory.

ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Giuseppe Floridia (University of Naples Federico II), Roberto Guglielmi (GSSI, L'Aquila), Cristina Pignotti (University of L'Aquila)

    •    Piermarco Cannarsa (President of the SC, University of Roma Tor Vergata)
    •    Fatiha Alabau-Boussouira (University of Lorraine & Sorbonne University)
    •    Fabio Ancona  (University of Padova)
    •    Silvia Bertoluzza (CNR IMATI Pavia)
    •    Giuseppe Buttazzo (University of Pisa)
    •    Jean-Michel Coron (Sorbonne University)
    •    Lars Grune (University of Bayreuth)
    •    Gunter Leugering (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg)
    •    Carlo Sbordone (University of Naples Federico II)
    •    Masahiro Yamamoto (The University of Tokyo)