Grid middleware and the Globus Toolkit

Update: An updated distribution of the GT4 Practical services have been placed on the webpage. This includes a fix for the persistent file service access issue. Please update your downloads and follow instructions to deploy services and clients as described in GT4 Advanced Practical.

Note: the GT4 advanced practical solution is published below
Also: the community index for the introductory practical is up-and-running for your use
If you have questions, suggestions or comments about GT4, feel free to ask an instructor!

Supporting material for GT4:

Bonus material on Globus Development (for your reference):

The GT4 Integrated Practical

GT4 Advanced Practical Solutions

  1. Downloading Solution for Advanced Practical

    You can download and install the solution for advanced practical as described here:

    cd /tmp/$USER/gt4-ap-client/ws-clients/src/org/globus/tutorial
    tar xvzf gt4-ap-solution.tar.gz

    You can look for the word ADD in the source files to look for the code that needed to be added to complete the exercise. Once you install these files, deploy the clients and try running the client as per instructions in the GT4 Advanced Tutorial page.

  2. Running GT4 Advanced Practical against local server

    As a part of the introductory practical, you would have installed the relevant bits of the Globus Toolkit and used it deploy the advanced practical services and client. You can use that install to start up a local container and test the advanced practical. The steps requires are listed below: