
Analytic Techniques for
Geometric and Functional Inequalities

ERC Advanced Grant: Analytic Techniques for Geometric and Functional Inequalities—Principal Investigator: Professor Nicola Fusco

Below the list of some of the seminars held as a part of the activities of the project.

April 2 - Prof. Jean Van Schaftingen - "Estimates for L1 vector fields"

March 31 - Prof. Thomas Schmidt - "Asymptotically regular problems"

March 18 - Prof. Aljosa Volcic - "Random symmetrization of measurable sets"

March 10 - Prof. Jürgen Appel - "Introduction to nonlinear spectral theory"

March 3 - Prof. Yoshihiro Tonegawa - "Existence of measure-valued solutions for two-phase fluid flow with surface tension"

February 27 - Dott. Marcello Ponsiglione - "Equivalenza variazionale tra modelli di dislocazioni a vite e di vortici a la Ginzburg-Landau"

February 18 - Dott. Emanuele Spadaro - "A variational model for the formation of periodic structures"