Giovanni Cutolo: papers

G. Cutolo
On groups satisfying the maximal condition on non-normal subgroups
Riv. Mat. Pura Appl., (1991), pp. 49–59.
MathSciNet Zentralblatt Comments Abstract Full Text
G. Cutolo and L.A. Kurdachenko
Groups with a maximality condition for some non-normal subgroups
Geom. Dedicata, 55, (1995), pp. 279–292.
doi: 10.1007/bf01266319
MathSciNet Zentralblatt Comments Abstract
G. Cutolo and L.A. Kurdachenko
Weak chain conditions for non-almost normal subgroups
Groups '93 Galway/St. Andrews, Vol. 1 (Galway, 1993), London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser., vol. 211, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1995, pp. 120–130.
doi: 10.1017/cbo9780511629280.012
MathSciNet Zentralblatt Comments Abstract

Titles are rather self-explanatory, this time. Unlike the dual property (so often, in appropriate contexts, the minimal condition on non-P subgroups implies that either the minimal condition holds for all subgroups or all subgroups have the property P), as a rule the maximal condition can be satisfied by non immediately obvious examples; this is already true for the maximal condition on nonnormal subgroups. There is much subsequent work on the same kind of (finiteness) conditions imposed to not-well-behaved subgroups of a group (see for instance the paper by Dixon and Kurdachenko in the same issue as [15], p. 157–172).

There is a (rather evident) typo in the statement of Lemma 6 of [8], where “for every prime p” should be “for every prime p or p=0”.
