Video e Slide
Lun 14 feb 2022 |
Apertura Lavori - Video |
Computation of generalized matrix functions with rational Krylov methods, Igor Simunec - Slide - Video |
Refined decay bounds on the entries of spectral projectors associated with sparse Hermitian matrices, Michele Rinelli - Slide - Video |
Distance to singularity for quadratic matrix polynomials, Miryam Gnazzo - Slide - Video |
Mixed precision recursive block diagonalization for bivariate functions of matrices, Leonardo Robol - Slide - Video |
Numerical approximation of the Mittag-Leffler function for large sparse low rank matrices, Marina Popolizio - Video |
Coffee break |
Solving linear systems of the form $(A + \gamma UU^T)\mathbb{x} = \mathbb{b}$, Michele Benzi (Keynote talk) - Slide - Video |
On linear algebra in interior point methods for solving $\ell_1$-regularized optimization problems, Marco Viola - Slide - Video |
Parameter-Robust Preconditioning for Oseen Iteration Applied to Navier--Stokes Control Problems, Santolo Leveque - Slide - Video |
A Reverse Constrained Preconditioner for saddle-point matrices in contact mechanics, Andrea Franceschini - Slide - Video |
Light Lunch |
On ParaDiag for BDFs, Davide Palitta - Video |
Relative error propagation in linear ordinary differential equations: long-time behavior of condition numbers, Stefano Maset - Slide - Video |
Solving cubic matrix equations arising in conservative dynamics, Milo Viviani - Slide - Video |
How perturbations propagate along the solutions of linear ordinary differential equations: a relative error analysis, Asma Farooq - Video |
Some challenging issues in the linear algebra of contour integral methods for PDEs, Mattia Manucci - Slide - Video |
Coffee break |
Regularization by inexact Krylov methods, Silvia Gazzola - Slide - Video |
A novel matrix-factorization algorithm for the analysis of Hyperspectral Images, Antonella Falini - Video |
Inverse problems in signal processing: A Numerical Linear Algebra prospective, Antonio Cicone - Video |
On the approximation of low-rank rightmost eigenpairs of a class of matrix linear operators, Carmen Scalone - Slide - Video |
BDDC preconditioners for virtual element dicretizations of the Stokes equations, Tommaso Bevilacqua - Slide - Video |
Mar 15 feb 2022 |
Numerical solution of the graph p-Laplacian partial eigen-problem, Nicola Segala - Video |
Geometrical properties of the graph $p$-Laplacian spectrum, Piero Deidda - Slide - Video |
Graph Topological Stability via Matrix Differential Equations, Anton Savostianov - Slide - Video |
Density forms of liquid water revealed by the Total Communicability of the corresponding graph, Chiara Faccio - Slide - Video |
Time integration of Tree Tensor Networks, Gianluca Ceruti - Slide - Video |
Coffee break |
Solving sparse-dense least squares, Miroslav Tuma (Keynote talk) - Slide - Video |
Remember where you came from: Hitting times for second-order random walks, Dario Fasino - Slide - Video |
Nonlinear Label Spreading on Hypergraphs, Konstantin Prokopchik - Slide - Video |
Randomized algorithms for trace estimation, Alice Cortinovis - Slide - Video |
Light Lunch |
An efficient preconditioner for the coupled contact mechanics and fluid flow in fracture network, Laura Gazzola - Video |
Matrices associated to two conservative discretizations of Riesz fractional operators and related multigrid solvers, Ken Trotti - Slide - Video |
Improving AMG interpolation through energy minimization, Carlo Janna - Slide - Video |
AMG Preconditoners based on parallel hybrid coarsening exploiting multi-objective graph matching, Fabio Durastante - Video |
The minimal realization problem in physical coordinates, Fabio Marcuzzi - Slide - Video |
Coffee break |
The extended Rippa's algorithm in RBF interpolation, Francesco Marchetti - Slide - Video |
Preconditioning in collocation and interpolation with radial basis functions, Josephin Giacomini - Slide - Video |
Linear algebra of HP-splines, Rosanna Campagna - Slide - Video |
Deviation maximization for rank-deficient problems, Monica Dessole - Slide - Video |
Chiusura lavori - Video |